5 Performance Tips to Enhance Your Lifestyle

When I was a kid, I would watch a show called Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous. The show would highlight individuals who owned big, beautiful yachts, huge mansions, and gorgeous cars. Like most people, I believed that the images I saw on my television were a true reflection of those peoples’ lifestyle. Years later, after becoming a professional athlete, I was able to get an up close and personal view of the lifestyles of the super wealthy. I observed and interacted with individuals such as owners of sports franchises, CEO’s of mega companies, and super star athletes with major endorsement deals. I learned that what was displayed on Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous was not a display of those peoples’ lifestyles, but was a display of the things that resulted from their lifestyles. I define “lifestyle” as the things people don’t see that produce the things they now celebrate. Here are 5 performance tips to enhance your lifestyle.
1.    Intelligent Work Ethic: Focus most of your time and energy in areas that will produce big results. Make sure you work hard in the areas in which you perform the best and in the areas that will add the most value to who you are.
2.    Work with the Best: Work with the best people in your industry. Evaluate your budget and hire the best advisers that your money can buy. As your company grows, it would behoove you to make the necessary upgrades when it comes to your advisers.
3.     Always Move Forward: Never become stagnant or complacent. Foresight is a great quality to acquire.
4.    Maximize All of Your Resources: Understand that everything and everyone around you could and should be a potential resource.
5.     Think Better: As long as you live, you can always make improvements. Continuously look to grow and improve upon that which you have already accomplished.
The results of your true lifestyle are always on display. If the things you truly desire are not materializing, you need to amp up your lifestyle. Work intelligently, work with the best people possible, always look to move forward, maximize your resources, and think of ways to get better.
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Corey Jackson is a former NFL athlete that leveraged his athletic career to build a lucrative career as a professional speaker, business consultant, coach and investor. Corey’s journey to success began at the age of nineteen when he made the decision to quit his seven dollar an hour job and pursue his life-long dream of becoming a professional athlete. At that time, Corey had no idea that his decision would lead him down the path he is on today. As a businessman, Corey has the pleasure of working with multi-billion dollar companies and organizations, current and former professional athletes, politicians, and colleges by providing them with his philosophies on how to live a “winning lifestyle.” Combining the skills he learned as a professional athlete and businessman, Corey developed a proven process that is designed to increase one’s personal value, performance, and income in record time. He believes that one who lives a winning lifestyle not only exists, but dominates and performs at the highest level possible every day. Corey’s philosophies and processes can be implemented right away for quick and immediate results and are applicable to every industry and profession. After hearing Corey speak, you will have an understanding of how to dominate your space, how to perform like a champion daily, and will feel more certain about your future than ever. Contact Corey @ www.coreyjacksoninc.com

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Posted in Corey Jackson, Corey Jackson Speaks, High Performance, Peak Performance, Performance Lifestyle, sales, success, wealth

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